Wilkes-Barre PA Debt Relief

Why Hire Gurdin Law

Wilkes-Barre PA Debt Relief Attorney Debunks Common Bankruptcy Myths

For so many people hard hit by the economic recession, bankruptcy is one of the only ways they can stay financially afloat. While, for some people, bankruptcy possesses a negative stigma, more people are seeing bankruptcy as a positive process, one that allows them to start over, and learn to better manage their finances in future. Countless myths exist about the bankruptcy process that are simply untrue.

Wilkes-Barre PA Debt Relief Attorney

Wilkes-Barre PA Debt Relief Attorney

Wilkes-Barre PA Debt Relief  | These Myths Include:

    • You will lose everything, including your property, if you file for bankruptcy.

This is false. Most bankruptcies that are filed are “no asset” cases, meaning the debtor possesses no substantial assets that can be taken by the bankruptcy court. However, if you do possess property, there are “bankruptcy exemptions,” which are assets that are exempted from liquidation, which is when assets are used to repay creditors. Attorney Gurdin can help you determine what is exempt so that you can keep the possessions you hold dear.

    • You cannot obtain credit or a loan for 10 years after bankruptcy filing.

Wrong again. People who have completed Chapter 7 bankruptcies frequently have access to low-limit credit cards shortly after their debts are discharged. People who are doing a Chapter 13 payment plan are able to borrow money or apply for credit anytime.

    • You cannot file for bankruptcy if you work.

Not true. Many people who file for bankruptcy are employed. Also, in order to fund a Chapter 13 payment plan you must have some form of income coming in.

    • Filing for bankruptcy means you have failed.

Absolutely false. Most bankruptcies occur to circumstances entirely out of one’s control, such as a job loss or illness. Bankruptcy is a useful tool, put in place to help people stat over financially. Let this process work for you.

If you’re like many people in this country who are struggling to make ends meet, pay bills, or make mortgage payments, bankruptcy might just be your best option. For help with the process from start to finish, contact Wilkes-Barre bankruptcy lawyer C. Stephen Gurdin. He can help you with everything, from determining which kind of bankruptcy is best for you, to filing properly, to reorganizing your debts and helping you come up with a better re-payment plan, to rebuilding your credit, he has the experience and skill to help you start your financial life over.